Paul’s focus is on the entire body, with all of the contributing factors of any given symptoms. He uses manual therapy as the primary treatment. He is a hands on, interactive therapist. The goal is to find the primary and secondary issues, correcting position and movement, then retesting to check effectiveness of the treatment. Once this is accomplished, the corrective home program is instructed and demonstrated.
There are many techniques and concepts to be applied, thanks to a long career with widely varied experience and education. Most of the hour of treatment is spent hands on and each treatment is different. The approaches are customized to gain the largest awareness of the issues surrounding each set of symptoms.
You may find gift certificates for Physical Therapy Services in the Massage Therapy section.
Paul has focused on identification, correction and instruction in self management of musculo-skeletal issues of the body for several decades. Almost all of the sessions are spent with hands on for personal, flexible and constantly modified treatment.